Wednesday, June 10, 2009

and boys will be boys...

Gabe is taking "low riding" to a new level. The board shorts fit him fine dry... another story when they got wet. His whole bottom was popping out of his pants. Since he is only 3, we just laughed about it.

We had a fun beach day with friends Karla with a "k" and Jenelle and their kids. The boys are all the same age so it was SO fun to watch them play and get all sandy and just have pure child enjoyment playing in the shore break.
This is Gabe's friend Kai, such a cute little guy. He and Gabe are currently taking swim lessons together and are both loving it and doing so well. We will have two good swimmer boys soon... I can just feel it! (p.s.- Notice the Gabe booty in the back ground)


theleguis said...

bout the swimming. dante has screamed everyday for 2 weeks. 2 more days....


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