Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where did she go?

I had a third baby, and that seriously just killed my blogging. I miss it, and I miss having that history to look back on over the past year. I also used to take way more pictures. So, my New Years resolution is to 1. Stop drinking soda and 2. to start blogging again. Here it goes! Wish me luck!

To begin, I read this wonderful article and had to share. Enjoy the read and think about how amazing you are... and how not so amazing the people you think are more amazing than you are.

What you don't see, when we all march into church on Sunday morning, is the chaos of the morning that happened just 10 minutes earlier.

What you don't see, when you look at my four little boys in their suits, is that the 7-year-old is wearing Dad's socks because we couldn't find his. And they go all the way up to his knees.

What you don't see, when I pull out the lovely quiet book I made a few years back, is that below it, in my church bag, are five baggies of smashed raisins because I haven't cleaned out the bag for months.

When you enter my house, with its shining entryway, you don't see the three loads of laundry dumped on my bed. Or the dirty pots I stashed in the oven. And you will never see the interior of my minivan, not until I find the time to vacuum it out.

When you admire the hand-sewn pajamas I made for all the kids, we don't talk about the three nights I got no sleep to make those.

If you look on my blog, you will see pictures of homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles. You won't see my confession to popping in a frozen pizza THREE times last week for dinner.

Or the night we ate Cheerios for dinner, dry, because we were out of milk. There is a zoom on my camera for a reason. There is a delete button for a reason.

I don't think we're all playing a part. We naturally want to put our best selves forward, so that is what other people see. They don't see what's going on behind the scenes. I like to think that good parenting is like a duck on the water. What you see is the gentle, almost effortless gliding, not the furious paddling that happens underneath.

I keep a mental list of about ten people I want to stalk by camera, from morning to night, to see how they do it all. Are they up at 4 a.m.? Can they survive on three hours of sleep? Do they have a housekeeper? Because I drop balls just as fast as I can grab them. My intentions are of pure gold, but they come out as tinkling brass, at best.

I started a blog last fall. I dragged my feet into it for many reasons. One of the main reasons I hesitated was I didn't want to be another contributor to the cyberspace guiltosphere out there. Especially where mothers are concerned, do we need one more reason to feel guilty?

Because from the looks of things, other families are happier, their houses are cleaner, their marriages are better, their clothes are more stylish and their craftiness is even more crafty. Their lives are perfectly lovely, while my kids are running around screaming in their diapers.

My worst fears were confirmed last week when I got an e-mail from a friend who asked, "How do you do it all? Your column, your blog, all the things you do with your children? You're amazing!"

I looked around at my house, at the six bins of winter clothes waiting to be transported to the garage, at the sewing projects stacked against the wall, at the state of the toothpaste crusted to the sink ... I let things go, a lot of things.

A spanking-clean house is not a high priority for me. I'm a big believer in mud and its importance in a child's life. The time I take to write is time away from scrubbing that bathroom sink. I would rather read with my kids than shop at the mall, so I am certainly not up-to-date on the latest styles. I've been listening to the same music for 20 years because I can't seem to keep up with the latest music scene. And I require a lot of sleep.

We all have priorities. For some, it is keeping a spotless house, and they are good at it. For others, it is writing, or exercising, or serving others. And yes, there are some who seem to do it all, the Benjamin Franklins of the world. I tell myself I don't have to be them. And also, Benjamin Franklin was not much of a family man. Even he let things go.

What we don't see, when we look at each other on Sunday, or on blogs, or in our shiny kitchens, is that we all have different talents and unique situations. I tell my kids all the time: Life is not a race. The only person you are competing against is yourself.

What we forget to see, when admiring others, is our own personal finish line.


This Heavenly Life said...

That article is PERFECT. I especially love the part about not seeing the furious paddling that goes on under water. Because MAN do I paddle furiously -- I just wrongly assume that 'mrs. perfect' doesn't have to.

Wonderful article :)

And yes! Stick to those resolutions! 1) because I haven't had soda for at least a year now, and you can do it, too! 2) because I MISS your blog, lady!

ashley said...

this is SO GOOD!
welcome back to blogging- #3 does take its tole on blogging!

Becky Jones said...

Sarah- I got your cute card and gift card in the mail today! Yippee! I am so excited. I never win anything. Thank you thank you! And yes! No soda. Super hard when you live with your in-laws that have a fridge FULL of it! But I can do it! (I only have like 2 or 3 a week, but still! I used to never drink it!)

Becky said...

Ashley! I miss you blog :( Hope life is good! My Bro-in-law just moved out there today... jealous.

K+C=M+K said...

I loved reading that Becky! Thanks for posting. It's nice to keep in mind that the "perfect moms" and couples out there probably aren't all that perfect. I suck at cleaning, cooking dinner every night and keeping a schedule. And you're better than me because I still drink soda! If I can get around to getting motivated enough I am going to stop though- I swear!! ;)

Harmony said...

EXACTLY!!!!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how my insides were screaming "YES! EXACTLY! THANK YOU!" the whole time I read this. And so, Thank you Becky for posting it. I have said and thought these exact thoughts so many times, not as eloquently and well-said, but the same thoughts. Please find the author and share who this is with us! I have often pondered on the effect that blogging has on us moms. Women have always been "compare-ers" and blogs have just made more details, and especially the good ones, of our lives more visible to each other. I have said so many times, I want to be a fly on the wall of so and so, how does she do it all? But I am glad to say that I have done a lot of growing up and have come along way this past year in learning to love and accept who I am and be okay with not being or even trying to be all the PERFECTLY AMAZING superhuman people I feel are everywhere! Just being my best me and focusing on what matters most. Thanks again. LOVE THIS. every woman probably needs to read it.

abo-bder said...

فني تركيب دش بالرياض
تركيب كاميرات مراقبة بالرياض
فني تركيب كاميرات مراقبة بالرياض
فني تركيب دش بالرياض


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