Thursday, May 21, 2009

Can I get some help around here!?

FINALLY!! I am getting some! And I am so proud of my little mister. Gabe is quite the bed maker. I have been so impressed with his skills, I had to take some photos and put them up on the blog. I SWEAR I did not touch this bed. He makes his bed every morning and I give him stars on his chore chart when he is all done. Is it just me, or do you agree that a boy, not even 3 1/2 should not be able to make a bed this well!? I am not complaining, just impressed! This is one detailed kid. He has to make most of it while standing up on the bed since he cannot reach from the floor. And the sheet underneath is perfectly pulled up under the comforter. He also now takes his own laundry hamper out to the garage and can sort it into our whites, lights and colors bags... all by himself! Next lesson... how to properly fold a shirt ;)


Elise said...

so great !!!! what do you give him when he has enough stars?

Mrs. Jones says said...

He decides what he want to work towards. For a while there he was just earning money to go toward his new scooter... it took him about 1 1/2 months and almost 100 stars.
He is currently working towards a trip to the movie theater. Sometimes it is just to go out and get a treat of his choice or money for his piggy bank. He has to earn 19 stars to earn his reward.
I will have to post a photo of his chart, it is pretty cool and has really worked great. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow! He does a better job than Katharina (don't tell her) and she is 10!

This Heavenly Life said...


Yeah, I'm gonna need to see that chore chart.

lauriea said...

Ok, he needs to come over Grammy's every morning to make our beds....and I am a picky bed maker, this is GREAT!

Harmony said...

obviously a great mom behind that kid. good job for expecting things from him. i've gotten lax with my kids. it can be a lot of work to help them take care of themselves! and did you make the bedding? its super cute.


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