Friday, May 8, 2009

New Due date!!

I got a more detailed ultra sound yesterday and gained a week! It was so nice... one more week closer to NOT being sick ;) So my due date is more like November 30th (they still wont give me a sure due date!), but they said I am 10 weeks, 3 days along. Baby looked fine, I got to see the heart beat and baby again yesterday, so amazing. All of my blood work came back and we are looking good! As far as I go, still feeling sick most of the time, but hanging in there! Mike makes me breakfast almost every morning because I cannot open the fridge without getting sick. He is working over time these days and taking great care of us! Thanks my love!


Jen Proffit said...

What a good guy to help make breakfast for you! For Mother's Day Max told me he was going to make me breakfast and then asked me "what kind of cereal do you want?" He's so much like Josh it cracks me up. Are you still doing wedding pics? I gave somebody your info. that needs a photographer for an August wedding. Take Care!

Melly Mel said...

so fun! I hope baby comes November 29th so we can have the same birthday!

I lvoe your blog always! It's adorable and I love Gabe's bed!

Harmony said...

I can't get over that you're pregnant! Is it crazy for you? like, do you forget and then get surprised when you remember sort of thing? so awesome and exciting. i'm sorry you've been so sick. my friend hates being pregnant more than anything, so when you're feeling like you need someone who relates to you, you can read her blog.


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