Friday, May 1, 2009

A pre-summer beach day.. again!

A few weeks ago we had some AWESOME summer weather, 85 degrees in the sun! That called for a family beach day full of sand toys, beach chairs, and one pink umbrella. Malia and Gabe actually had fun playing together, to my happy surprise! I think I just might be fine taking them to the beach this summer by myself. Gabe has developed a new fear of the ocean, and Malia found his courage that he lost from last summer ;)

Daddy chasing Malia out of the ocean- She was charging it! And it was COLD!! I can't imagine how much more she will love it this summer when the water warms up! What is up with my babies not being afraid of the ocean!?

Malia was washing the sand off of her feet in the bucket, so girlie like.
The kids were having a blast filling up their buckets with water and sticking their faces in them to blow bubbles. It was cute because they would do it simultaneously- Isn't it great when your kids start playing together? Man, life gets WAY easier.
I had to include this one because she just looked so cute and it really shows off her personality. My little wild child.


This Heavenly Life said...

The beach. *sigh* How nice. I love the pics, and can so relate to the kids starting to play together. Mine are getting there too, and it's wonderful. Sometimes it gets crazy, but isn't that what's so great about it? Hope you're feeling good! Just think -- you get to wear a maternity swim suit!

Ryan said...

yo mike's arms look totally buff in that picture of him saving malia from the ocean... woah

Mrs. Jones says said...

Yeah, my sexy husband has been working out like crazy. He is getting his beach body ready just in time to take his whale of a wife to the beach ;) Oh, well, at least one of us will look hot! hahaha...

Gretchen J said...

I love the picture of the kids with their heads in the buckets, classic!! I will be happy to be the great white whale beached next to you on the sand, granted I have a few months on you, but I feel like a whale from the start!! Hope you're feeling good!


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