Friday, February 12, 2010

Eli's 1st Beach Day!

Uncle Nick is in town, Yeah! That means fun beach day in the middle of winter (which we normally would not do because it is way too cold for this So. Cal girl to go play on the beach right now). But... that means Eli got to have his 1st beach day already! He (OF COURSE!) LOVEd it!
Gabe and Malia didn't mind the fun either. They love their Uncle Nick and enjoyed throwing rocks in the water and digging holes in the sand with him.
Eli is getting SO big and stinkin cute, don't ya think! ? And I was excited to fit (very tightly, but still fit) into some REAL shorts (non-pregnancy) that I had. The weight is coming off VERY slowly, but I am grateful to see some improvement from all my hard work. It is harder to loose weight after pregnancy, but I am determined! My goal is to be comfy in a bathing suit by summer... wish me luck! And encouraging comments are ALWAYS welcome ;)

Eli chillin in the beach chair

Eli and Daddy are the only ones in the whole world I think that can make this face. I don't have those nose/lip muscles ;)

Eli with Daddy and Nick and the kids in the background

Yes, that water is freezing and NO Malia did not even flinch. Mike had to run out and save her from getting smashed by a wave a couple times. That crazy girl!

These are Malia's "flop flops". AND, this is how she puts them on... every time. On the wrong feet and in-between those little toes. She of course will never let me help nor correct her. OH- and I have to brag... she LOVES Bob Marley. She calls him "Mar Mar" and always requests redemption song. She will sit in front of the computer and listen to him over and over again and gets made when I turn it off. MY GIRL!


This Heavenly Life said...

Flop flops :)

Mia has still not successfully worn a pair of those because she can't stand the thing between her toes! You can tell she's from Missouri :)

And I love your baby carrier...where's it from? Did you make it?

Chelsea said...

My, my, my! Becky, you have been working hard!! You look great in your non-maternity shorts!! You should be so proud!!

Harmony said...

you're going to get that weight off so fast! don't even talk about takes me a year and a half to be truly done! I should have been comfy in my bathing suit last summer, but now I'm just hoping i can get it done by this summer! Cute baby! gorgeous day at the beach!

Betsy said...

I love how you talk about how the day at teh beach, and you're all in shorts and short sleeve shirts! I am SO JEALOUS!! It's been snowy on and off for a few days now and I'm SO ready for spring! Anyway - he is cute and I think you look great! I also loved the flip flop photo. That was my favorite. I've thought a lot about you and Malia lately as I get ready for Jack... that was 2 years ago! And then last year this time was our GREATEST ADVENTURE EVER! Oohh, I miss my becks! xoxo!!


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