Monday, September 14, 2009

Yoga Surfer Dude

The post below this is ALL about Malia, so OF COURSE I had to put one up about our Gabers as well.
Here is what he has been into:
1. He LOVES to SURF ( you all knew that though)
2. He LOVES to go to the skate park and skateboard with his Daddy and get donuts and pink milk afterward.
3. His favorite meal is still BURRITOS.
4. He is a movie quote kinda guy. He throws out a movie quote at least once a day. Most are from Nacho Libre (Have not seen it? RENT IT NOW!) Like... "I get to sleep by myself my whole life!" Or another favorite, from Surf's up... "You could fit a whole fish in there!" (said after Mommy tells Gabe his hair is out of control that day)
5. He still has HUGE feet that keep on growin'... 3 1/2 years old and in a size 10 1/2- 11 kids size!
6. He LOVES to do YOGA!! And as a special treat today, I have posted a little video of him doing just that. Enjoy and don't forget to scroll down and check out the all about Malia post next ;)>>>>>>>


Harmony said...

your family is too cute! this is awesome.


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