Tuesday, September 1, 2009

UPDATE: Sleeping in her new bed

Ok, I know you have ALL been DYING to hear how the toddler bed/sharing a room with Gabe thing is going. Surprisingly... pretty good so far!!
NIGHT 1: We sang songs, said prayers and tucked in the kiddos. I kept waiting on the couch for little foot steps down the hall but they never came! Malia and Gabe stayed in their beds and after just a few minutes of some whispering (on Gabe's part, helps that Malia can't really talk yet!) they were down for the count! Then disaster struck. Around 4am Gabe woke us up screaming. Then came crying from Malia's corner. Gabe had leaked out of his pull=up diaper. GREAT! What a perfect night for that to happen! So Mike and I were in there for a good 20 minutes soothing both kids back to sleep. Malia cried a little when we left, but again never got out of bed. She came stomping into our room the next morning with a big smile on her face. Success!!
NIGHT 2: Ok, so last night might not count because we were at Disneyland until like 9pm so the kids were OUT! We transferred both from car to bed without a peep. In the middle of the night I heard a thump on the ground so went in to check it out. Malia had fallen out of her little bed. She was fine (my tough girl). Her exact words were, "Sshhhh, Ouch!" I put her back in bed and she crashed once more. That was it ! Gabe woke her up at 6:10 this morning so both kids are up and in full force right now.
The only negative so far is that they both have gotten up early both days. But I am not complaining! (Mostly because Mike has gotten up with them! :) ) I am just so proud of my big 18 month old girl for dealing with the transition so well thus far, yeah Malia! Lets hope for more success over the coming days. And then to deal with nap time! She is still in the crib for that...


mark said...

Ok, here is the link to the crazy bicycle guy. You've got to see this. Send me your email address too.



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