Friday, November 21, 2008

Experiment #1

I, Mrs. Jones, have given in to the peer pressure and abandoned my mac website for this blogger thang (insert "under pressure" pure 80's song here).
I am the mother of 2 sweet sweet babies that I can't get enough of, and don't ever seem to have as much time as I want to smoosh, chew and cuddle on them. My husband, Mr. Mike Jones, is as banker as they come,and I love it! I love the random funny joke that seems so out of character. It makes it that much better because it is always unexpected. He is the left side of the brain and I am the right. Together we make a whole and with Gabers and Malia, we make a family.
My hope is that my dear friends and family will be able to browse through this site with ease and that I in turn will be able to focus more on telling our story, not only through our photos, but even more so through my writing. In essence.... a way for me to keep a running log, a day in the life of Mrs. Jones. Something to look back on from time to time to be reminded of all my sweet blessings.


Harmony said...

Hi! Wow, you've finally joined the blogger community. Now we can keep in touch! That is a big fat just kidding by the way. I say that because I've heard it and things like it before. I am a big fan of blogging, but whatever form or site you do it on is fine with me. I guess i have a pet peeve, it really peeves me that people are so intimidated or whatever by non-blogspot blogs! whats the big deal, a blog is a blog and they're not so terribly different that you can't figure out how to make comments, etc on someone's sight thats not blogger! ok, sorry for the rant! I'll love you and your blogs wherever you and your blogs may be! (and thanks for doing the same for me! i will not give in yet!)


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