I found this you tube video on my friend Jackie's blog. SO awesome. But... if you don't have a Trader Joe's by you (I feel bad for your first off...) then you probably wont get it. If you do and don't go there, same, you might go, "huh?" that was a waste of 3 minutes of my life. BUT, and just BUT... if you are like me and LOVE TJ's, you will giggle and laugh and feel all warm and fuzzy inside from this video. ENJOY!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
All Hail!!
That is right, HAIL. We had a freaky morning. It was as if the heavens opened, just over our "bungalow".
The sun was out, looked like a wonderful morning. Then, without warning, a single cloud moved in and UNLOADED> Full blown hail, and lots of it! Then POURING rain for about 5 minutes. Then, the cloud left and the sun was out shining down on us for the rest of the day! Pretty weird huh? You don't see weather like that around these parts too often.
A window into our day
Nearly everyday, you can find Mrs. Jones, the skater dude, and the pink monster (another of our many names for the hip-hop princess) playing in the front yard for hours on end. Malia has become very comfortable there and is now our neighborhood greeter for all the passers by on our street.
Lately she has become quite the little flirty flirt. I wanted to get a visual for you all so I had my camera charged and ready, waiting for a little foot traffic.
Malia's normal roosting spot- our front porch.
Here she is:
Off the bottle and on to the sippi cup.... and none of those baby sippi cups for this girl, she needs the big cups just like her big bro.
Anyway, here she is eying her target. A nice lady walking her dog...
She threw down the sippi cup right before I got this shot. She usually does this and stands. Everyone knows you must be standing up to flirt properly, or maybe she just wants to show off her skills... either way, she knows she looks cuter standing up.
This move needs to go, and soon. She has starting lifting up her shirt, a little too immodest if you ask me. I flash forward sometimes, thinking of the possible arguments regarding belly shirts and booty shorts... then I think, no way, my little angel is going to be perfect and do and wear exactly what I tell her to!

Then the wave, you can't get the full picture without seeing it in person, but it is VERY girly. She has the wrist snap down. Very girly finger movment, really, we could take lessons. I call it the flirty wave.
Her saving grace.... she flirts with all (not just the boys). She just LOVES people and LOVES making them smile, which I take as a positive.... so I say, keep on flirting Malia... keep on flirting.
Lately she has become quite the little flirty flirt. I wanted to get a visual for you all so I had my camera charged and ready, waiting for a little foot traffic.
Malia's normal roosting spot- our front porch.
Here she is:
Anyway, here she is eying her target. A nice lady walking her dog...
Then the wave, you can't get the full picture without seeing it in person, but it is VERY girly. She has the wrist snap down. Very girly finger movment, really, we could take lessons. I call it the flirty wave.
Her saving grace.... she flirts with all (not just the boys). She just LOVES people and LOVES making them smile, which I take as a positive.... so I say, keep on flirting Malia... keep on flirting.
A winters day at the beach
A few weeks ago I got a nice little phone call on an early Saturday morning from my "BFF/sis-n-law" Whitney, questioning if I might be interested in a little beach cruiser ride down on the beach path by our house. DUH! Of COURSE I said yes! Gabe HAD to go too, so Whit rode her townie over with a friend and we cruised down to the beach (my breaks squeeking all the way!).
The photos do no justice to what a BEAUTIFUL winters day it was down there. I really LOVE the beach in the winter time. You get that reflective "glassy" look on the water from the low lying clouds and it is so quiet and peaceful... We had such a great time just taking it slow and enjoying the beautiful day.
We also stopped at a little coffee shop for some fresh fruit and a smoothie. It was one of those days that was just SO fun and even more fun because it was not planned and was so unexpected. I LOVE randomness, it makes life so much better in my book. Thanks for the "randomness" Whit. That is something I can always count on you for!
Friday, February 20, 2009
A late valentine story... Shivelry is not dead!
Ahhh!! Blog posts today : 4~!! Sorry all, I had to add just one more!
Non-prompted background story: We were going to the park today and noticed Gracie forgot to bring a jacket. As I went into Malia's room to see if I had an extra for her in her "extra stuff" bag, I hear Gabe in the hall way. (the non-prompted part) "You can borrow one of my jackets Gracie", and Gracie, " Thanks Gabe!" Then Gracie walks into Malia's room with Gabe's jacket on asking for help zipping it up. Oh, I was melting!
Prompted part : I wanted to get a photo (had blogging on the brain) so I asked Gabe to go pick a flower and give it to Gracie for a photo opp.
Non-prompted part: Gabe picked a flower and handed it to Gracie saying, "here you go Gracie", and Gracie, " Thank you Gabe! (SOOO excited)" and Gabe, " Your welcome!"
Non-prompted part, once more: An then they gave eachother a hug!! So cute!!
Another prompted part: I asked them to say cheese for a "final photo" and this is the result. You can see how stoked Gracie was about her flower in this photo. As we walked over the car she asked me if she could bring her flower to the park. Ohhh... seriously MElTiNg!
Non-prompted background story: We were going to the park today and noticed Gracie forgot to bring a jacket. As I went into Malia's room to see if I had an extra for her in her "extra stuff" bag, I hear Gabe in the hall way. (the non-prompted part) "You can borrow one of my jackets Gracie", and Gracie, " Thanks Gabe!" Then Gracie walks into Malia's room with Gabe's jacket on asking for help zipping it up. Oh, I was melting!
Non-prompted part: Gabe picked a flower and handed it to Gracie saying, "here you go Gracie", and Gracie, " Thank you Gabe! (SOOO excited)" and Gabe, " Your welcome!"
Out of place
Ok, so if you read the below two posts you will see that I had planned on only posting 2 posts a day, but I could not resist on this one. Also, if you read my blog regularly, you will know that I recently announced that Gabe is now riding his skateboard like a real pro, he will be 3 years old at the end of March.
This is "out of place" because this is from last weekend and I have stuff backed up from LAST MONTH that I still need to post, but I had to show off my little boy. Needless to say, he is now wearing a helmet WHENEVER he skates now. You will see why! Enjoy!
This is "out of place" because this is from last weekend and I have stuff backed up from LAST MONTH that I still need to post, but I had to show off my little boy. Needless to say, he is now wearing a helmet WHENEVER he skates now. You will see why! Enjoy!
Backyard Barbershop
To start you off we will begin with a little surprise I woke up to one Saturday morning. Mike must of woke up and gotten right to it! He had already gone surfing and begun this by the time I realized it was even Saturday! Luckily I know Gabe's hair grows SO fast so I don't mind the curls being gone for a few weeks to keep his little afro under check. Mike had decided he needed a cut and went right to it!
I thought it was so cute how he set him up outside so I had to capture. This guy is good I am telling you! He had Malia all set up in the swing and Gabe was so excited to get a "big boy hair cut". He got to go to Daddy's backyard barbershop! Thanks Daddio!
Zoo Days
One of our recent holidays (remember Mr. Jones is a banker and gets them ALL off so I can't ever remember which one is which) we had the special treat of going to the zoo with Grandpa Mike. Well, not really the zoo but the San Diego wild animal park. Grandpa came complete with his Grandpa hat and was ready to cruise the park! The WAP is quite the walk, but I love it because you can really just cruise and it feels like you are really hiking around looking at animals in the wild. I also LOVE their lion exhibit, it gives you such a great view of the lions. Here are some pics of my favorite sightings of the day:
Another crazy animal sighting- Malia feeding her face and jumping around in her stroller like a crazy person! She loves strolling as long as she can stand up the WHOLE TIME. Luckily we have a "roll bar" in front of here so she wont fall out.
Here is Gabe, taming a wild deer. He has a natural "deer whispering" tallent
I asked Gabe to show me his stuff for this picture, he leaned against the wall, crossed his legs, hand on hip and flashed his pearly whites. So handsome!
And my isn't this a rare sighting indeed! Two men LOOKING AT A MAP!

Tune in tomorrow for 2 more fun and exciting posts!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Friend's son
This is a friend of a friend's son after going to the dentist. I had to post it, just too funny to pass up sharing!!
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