Sunday, August 30, 2009

While the kids are away...

My sweet Mr. Jones took care of the kidos yesterday so I could get some SERIOUS sewing done. We desperately needed to get Malia going on the whole toddler bed thing and all that we were waiting on was for this Mrs. Jones to make her bedding. I am one determined lady let me tell you!
I needed to incorporate some of the colors already in Gabers room, (she will be sharing with him to make room in the nursery for the baby) but wanted it to be more girly for my little girl. This is what I came up with! Don't look too closely. This is my first rag quilt and I did finish the whole thing (including the sheets and pillow case mind you!) in one day. Ahhh, feels good. One more thing to check off on the list. Now.... on to getting her to sleep in it! Wish me luck!

(sorry for the bad coloring on the pictures. I don't have the time or energy to edit them right now, but you still get the idea!)

And this is how I found Malia when I got out of the shower this morning. Daddy had gotten her all ready for church and she decided to spend the free time reading on her new bed. Good sign I hope! Maybe this means the transition to bed will be easy??? PLEASE... let it be a sign! ;)


Chelsea said...

Becky, you did such a great job on her bedding! It is darling!

Mrs. Jones says said...

Thanks Chels!! I know you are an acomplished quilter so that means a lot! :) Miss you guys!


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