Friday, July 24, 2009

Canada- Take ONE

Whew! What a fun trip! We just returned from a little family vacation to Alberta, Canada. After a few days for R&R and unpacking and a beach day thrown in there, I am ready to edit and post all of the fun photos I took while on our trip!
BUT... I know some of you might get a little overwhelmed with too much visual stimulation thrown at you all at once. SO... I will just do a little at a time and fill you in on all our exciting adventures in the land of the Mounties. ;)

Plane ride #1- Out of LAX, bright and stinkin early!! Gabe was SO So SOOOO excited to ride on a plane... 4 planes to be exact (2 there and 2 home). Mr. and Mrs. Jones did their best to prepare for the long days of driving, flying, landing, transferring, going through customs, WALKING, waiting, flying again, landing again, then driving some more. All with our two little angel children, yeah right! ;)

Malia did OK on the plane. By OK I mean I don't think too many people were disturbed besides us. ;)

Landed in Calgary, Hannah and Allie took a quick stop for a little "flip flop" shoe shine by Gabe.

Back up to the skies. Gabe passed out before we even left the ground... Malia was soon to follow. Finally, a little break and time to enjoy the views from the sky.

Auntie and Allie having a little treat on the plane.

Sleeping beauty with her Mr. Jones.

And YES.... This was our connector flight!! Auntie Michelle almost had a cow when she saw what we would be flying in. I thought it was kind of fun. Here is Grammy and Hannah getting off the plane in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Then hopped in the trucks and another 1 1/2 hour drive to Draton Valley... land of oil! That is where Grammy's birth family reunion would be held. Here is a photo of the views out of the window on our drive. SO beautiful. They are canola fields. Can you believe it! That is where all that canola oil in your pantry comes from!

After a good 1st nights rest, Malia is introduced to "peanut". The cutest little pupper around. Peanut did not know what she was in for with this little monster! Luckily her Mommy Peck was close at hand to keep the pinching to a minimum.

Interpritation of what Peanut is thinking, "Hurry up and take the picture and save me!!"

Now this was something special that you don't find just anywhere. This little bush produced the most delicious berries I have ever had! They are called Honey Berries. This was our first expirience with them, and hopefully not our last! Hannah and Allie plucked the whole bush to use in our homemade honey berry pancake breakfast.

The "fruits" of our labor...

What a honey berry looks like.

They tasted like a sweeter blueberry, but really hard to describe their exact flavor. Lets just say "yummy".

Mrs. Jones whipping up the pancakes and Uncle Dave cooking the sausage and bacon.

The breakfast club! Oh man am I CRAVING some of those pancakes right now! This is what you call breakfast on a farm, so delicious! We stayed with Grammy's cousins David and Peck. Their farm was right next door to David's Mom's cattle farm, Auntie Petra. This photo shows mostly her family and Grandpa Jackson.

Much more to come!! Check back soon!!


Harmony said...

cool photos and what a cool experience. I've never been to Canada. And that breakfast looks amazing!


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