Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The good with the bad

As some of you may know we have started feeling the blow of our Countries difficult economic times. Mike has recently found out he is getting laid off and has had no luck what so ever of finding a new position. Times are tough... but, I feel SO lucky in a way to be going through this. Because, with every struggle, comes a lesson to learn. And with every struggle we are able to overcome, comes a new or renewed appreciation for all that we have, it makes us better and stronger.
At first the unknown made us all a little stressed out and worried about the trial we were about to face. We do know there are and will be more trials associated with our current situation, but the outpouring of help and support is what has given us the ability to move forward with our heads high and our emotions positive. SO many people have lended a hand and asked what they could do to help us out. People are constantly telling us they are praying for our little family and we can just feel the love surrounding us. I want to say thank you to all of our friends and family. We could not get through this without you.
This situation has made me realize how skewed my perspective was of what I "need" vs. what I "want". And I now can really understand why my grandparents and parents have always saved their money, even without any future plan for it. They have been great examples of "living below their means". How grateful I am for their examples.
We truly feel lifted up and supported by so many kind and wonderful people. We are able to stay in our home thanks to the owners of our home releasing us of any rent payment for the next few months, we are able to pay our bills through the little money we will be receiving and the help of family and church- In what other time would we be taken care of like this? I think of those without homes and without people to turn to. I am grateful for the loved ones in my life who have stayed prepared, so that when the time came, they could help us. Their examples will be what drives me to continue to prepare ourselves when we are back on our feet. Not only to be prepared for our future, but to BE ABLE to give charity to others and help when needed.


Harmony said...

Ugh. I'm sorry Becky. I love how quickly you turn bad into good. You inspire me. I'm so glad you're receiving help and support too, especially with the rent thing. Because of your attitude, it really will be a good experience. I can't imagine that feeling though of having a job suddenly taken from you. I'm sure it's a pretty frightening one. You'll be in my prayers. love you!

Galbasini Family said...

Girlfriend. I am sorry. These times stink. You are so positive though and I that is what you should be. I am so thrilled to here of all the support. Just to let you know I know i live a little ways away but if you ever need someone to watch your kids I will be there in a heartbeat to support. So please let me know if I can do anything. I love you girl and I know everything will work out.


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