Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our little swimmer boy

Gabers just finished his second round of swim lessons and we officially have a swimmer!! He did so great and loved every second of it... which made Mrs.Jones VERY happy. I have very different memories of swim lessons when I was a child. Lets just say the only thing that got me through them was my Mother's promise of a A&W root beer float after every lesson. Gabe is my little fish though, and he just did so well. He can now swim to us from the side, or swim back to the side from us. Way to go Gabe! We are so proud of all of your hard work!


Harmony said...

so cute! He's really amazing. I'm constantly amazed at how obvious it seems he really was supposed to come into your family and how perfectly he fits. Cado is just now doing what Gabe is doing. Gabe is very impressive.


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