Mrs. Jones here! Life is back to normal and that means a more upbeat blog! Yippee! I FINALLY got our Christmas photos up. Of course, the kids all dressed in their Sunday best had to happen the Sunday after Christmas, but it worked out. The sun was shining and the weather was sweet!
Mr. Jones let me go buy myself a little sumthin sumthin and so hence my new threads as well. Thanks luvah!
We also have some photos from Christmas Eve and Christmas day. The holiday played out as follows:
Christmas Eve consisted of Mrs. Jones dragging the family over to Grammy Laurie’s house WAAAYYYY too early due to the Christmas jitters (not to be confused with the caffeine or sugar jitters she is know to get time to time). Patiently waiting for dinner and then gifts.... A SHMORGISHBORG of holiday delights presented to us by none other than Grammy Laurie the cook of the CENTURY! I mean there was a lentil loaf to DIE for, yummy mashed potatoes (created by the sous chef Greg Haddad), sweet potatoes, home made Hawaiian rolls, salad (she is a salad connoisseur of sorts), a cheesy zucchini wonderland of a side, and sparkling cranberry delight. YUUUMMMMYYY! Now HERE is where Mrs. Jones (and the rest of the FAMILY) experienced her "sugar jitters" and she was crying laughing at every little thing, nose flairing as pointed out by her loving older sister Michelle. I was WIRED! In rare form and loving it! Not sure how much everyone ELSE was enjoying it but oh well, I can't help it, he he he...
We then proceeded to the next event of the evening, Mrs. Jones' FAVORITE thing in the whole wide world, the PRESENTS!! It was a wrapping paper rainstorm, the kids totally made out like bandits. And I, Mrs. Jones, was presented with an entire set of CHINA!! Can you believe it? Thanks Mommy ;) To follow it all up we had a white elephant gift exchange. Mr. Jones and I got some good stuff, nothing cheesy. And guess what time it was ?! We left at like 10:30pm!! Crazy!
Wake up call from Papa Mark at 7:00am on Christmas morning, on his way to Harbor house for breakfast and wanted to invite us. We passed this year and stayed in our PJs longer than normal to enjoy the Santa gift frenzy that occurred under our tree. Got dressed (Malia in a CUTE new outfit from GG Helen), then went over to Grandma Melinda's for some egg strata and coffee cake. The normal goings on over there: HOURS of gift opening, ONE AT A TIME, as to ENJOY every single gift. Making sure they each got their due attention. No sarcasm here, I REALLY love this, dragging out the fun stuff is always a plus in my book. Then watched ourselves a little Iron Man with Gabers and napped on the couch (with intermittent goody munching). Dinner continued our holiday fiesta into the night with KING CRAB legs and a stand up roast for the carnivores. Light dinner conversation for the most part, some talk of missions and missing Uncle Nick (currently in Peru). A little Missionary Christmas Serenade and then some more goody devouring to follow up the night. All in all a FANTASTIC time with family, all of whom I just LOVE so much. Malia's 1st Christmas was a success!