Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I am a child of God

Gabe has a favorite song for me to sing him each night after we tuck him in his sheets and say our prayers. The song is called " I am a child of God". If you are Mormon, you know this song well. If not, the first part goes, " I am a child of God, and he has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday. "
That is usually where I stop and give Gabe a kiss and say nigh night. A few times I have sung the second, even the 3 verse to him, but VERY rarely. Tonight as I finished up the "church song" (that is what he calls it), he said to me, " the too late part Mommy". I thought for a second and realized that this phrase was in another part of the song. I continued, " I am a child of God, and so my needs are great. Help me to (Gabe joined me in this last part, word for word) understand his words before it grows to late." And then went into the melody. He gave me a big smile as if satisfied that I had done what he had asked of me.
This experience made me think. How blessed I am to have these little children in my life. That God would entrust me to raise them and teach them and guide them down the right paths through their journey here. Even at the age of 2, Gabe remembers that very important part of the song, and of our responsibility as parents. To teach my children of Heavenly Father, to teach them of Jesus Christ and to do so through his holy scriptures. And then the most important part, "before it grows too late." Any parent knows how quickly, as if in a blink of an eye, your baby grows up to be a "big boy". Time is precious, I don't have all the time in the world to teach my children. Soon enough they will be all grown up and on their own. I guess I realized how extremely important it is to teach my children now. That soon, it will be too late, and that they are NEVER too young to learn. I mean really, my two year old was singing along word for word! I like to think he really is getting so much of the meaning behind this song, they really are smarter than we give them credit for. So, I am working on it, and see now that I want to work just a little bit harder. To read the scriptures to my babies and to teach them of the "bigger picture" and help them to know of another Father in their lives, one that entrusted Mommy and Daddy to raise such amazing children. I love learning from these sweet babies.


Lu said...

what a sweet thought. We also sing that song every night to our kids. Danny knows it well and now helps us sing to the twins. I forget to really listen to the words so THANK YOU!


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