Thursday, December 4, 2008

Gabe's First Prayer

Gabriel had so much fun today. He played with Barraget, one of his little buddies, until nearly 10 pm as Mrs. Jones and Barraget's mommy, Lisa, were making cookies for a Christmas party tomorrow. I, Gabe's Daddy, was in charge of getting Gabe into bed at this late hour. So after brushing our teeth, I put Gabe into his bed and sat down by him to say a prayer as we customarily do. He was not very happy with me and told me to go away. He sometimes does that when he is overly tired, and not wanting to fight with him, I gave him a kiss and said "night night" and told him to say his own prayer. I stepped outside his door and stopped to listen as he proceeded to thank Heavenly Father for getting to stay home and play with his toys all day and then closed by saying, "Jesus Christ, Amen." I couldn't have been more proud.
His Mommy just came out of his room and said that she had asked him if he wanted to sing his own song and he say, "No, not yet. When I get bigger.." It is so neat watching them grow.



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