Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mrs. Jones' new job

I have a FAVORITE little kid at church and her name is Gracie. She is only a few weeks apart in age from Gabe and I just loved this little tike since we met her. The cutiest little Japanese white girl you will ever see! Yeah, she looks more white than anything, but to me she looks Hawaiian just like her Mommy! ;) Anyway, it is that aloha spirit that connected me and her Mommy, Linda, right from the start.

When Linda told me she had gotten accepted to nursing school I was sooo impressed! A mother of 3 going back to school, now that takes some ...... guts! ;) So, who was to watch Grace while Mommy was hard at work studying and going to school? I WANT TO DO IT! How fun !! And of course a job that pays me to play with more kids is always a perk! So, Linda and I both got what we wanted and we are all happy as clams!
SO this is my new job, playing with Gracie, Gabe and Malia. One day a week for now, and 3 days a week in a month or so. What a life! I just wanted to be sure you all knew who this new little smooshy face lover girl is that is going to be all over my blog for a few months.
What did we do today you ask? Well, if you must know... we learned about seeds and how they grow and learned how to plant and water them. We will be watching to see what sprouts up over the next few weeks.
Then, as we were getting ready to go down to the park to play, Auntie McKinley showed up with a basket full of Christmas treats and we invited her to tag along with the cousins. What a nice surprise it was to get to play at the park with Brandon, Jake, and Katie for a little while!
After they left we had a picnic, and the kids played soccer. They were good! Gracie was more like the coach and would pick up and throw the ball back to Gabe and he would kick it back to her. He has a pretty powerful kick for a 2 year old! I love that these two are such best buddies.
TMI for the day (stands for "too much information"): We now have 2 potty training kids going on when Grace is over, so it is neat to see them bonding over that special time in a 2 year old's career. They have little pow wows in the bathroom and are trying to "one up" each other with their potty training skills. So fun..... Stay tuned for more fun with Gracie and Gabe... and Malia too!




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