Saturday, December 20, 2008

Latest on Malia...

I came home from the hospital to clean up and rest for a little bit, (Mike came and relieved me) and am now on my way back. I thought I would sit down really quick to update all of you on Malia's status.
We took her to the hospital last night, she suddenly became VERY sick looking and showed major signs of dehydration. When we got to the emergency room they tested her and her CO2 levels were very very low (Would be admitted if she was at a 15 and she was at a 9). So, they checked her in to the children's hospital, which is where she is now.
They had her on a IV drip all night last night and through out the day today. She has been sleeping a lot and just looking so miserable. She did get some gatorade down this morning without it coming back up so that is a good sign. Her tests today show she is at a 19, and 20 or above is what they are looking for so she is close to being out of "dehydration mode". She will be in the hospital until at lest tomorrow afternoon. We are still not sure what it is that she has, but will be keeping her there until she is all better and able to keep things down and coming out normally through the right end of her little body. Thanks to all of you who have shown your compassion and concern. It is so hard to see your little one like this and I have a new found appreciation for those in the medical field and for living in a place where help is so redily available. Also, an appreciation for any parent who has to see their child go through an illness, I can't imagine if it were more severe, how hard that would be for a parent to cary on their sholders ( I did not get the nurse genes that is for sure! This is way too emotionally draining for me). I am greatful that, for the most part, my children are normally healthy and happy. Thank you all for your prayers and offers for help. We have wonderful people bringing us dinner both tonight and tomorrow night. We will keep you updated as we find out more.



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