Friday, December 12, 2008

2 year old thought of the day...

Here is the back ground story : Gabe is in LOVE with skateboards... pretty much since before he could walk. He has a little "tec deck" skate board ( a mini toy like skateboard that has all of the "real" parts). Well, a piece fell off of one of the trucks (translation: The metal part under the board that each set of wheels is attached to, one in the front and one in the back, underside of the board), and he lost the front truck and wheels on his skateboard. He is currently working on going potty with NO accidents to earn a new skateboard. Until then, he continues to play with this now tretourous board. The bottom front of the skate board has a little tiny screw that is exposed, sticking out where the little tiny truck used to be.
NOW THAT YOU ARE ALL CAUGHT UP: He was playing with his little skate board tec deck today, and left it, belly side up on the living room carpet, just waiting for the next unaware little foot to stomp on it while running through the house. Gabe, of course, (and thank goodness! Heaven knows what Mr. Jones would have screamed out if he had been the one to step on this thing) was the next passer by and stomped right on it. OUCH!! He was in pain! I kissed it all over to no avail. Good thing is it did not break the skin. He calmed down after a few minutes, and after being informed that bandaides don't work well on the bottom of your feet, he said the following:
"Mommy, I need that thing over there... I just can't walk with my owie foot. (pointing to something over by the Christmas tree) I looked over and there was Malia's little walker! I brought it over to him and he grabbed on to the handle and began limping across the living room floor while leaning his weight on this little baby walker. I giggled and he looked at me with a smirk like he had been caught in this dramatic over reaction of this little foot injury! WHAT A HAM!!! Where does he get this stuff?~


Betsy said...

I seriously check your blog almost every day but wow - I had to catch up! Grace is a cutie! And, that whole thing with the walker CRACKED me up!! I do know all about the pickle, but I wasn't surprised ONE BIT that you knew what it meant too... You know so much miscellaneous info. It's another reason why I've decided I love ya, and why you and Tim get along so well! Also- I'm really intrigued by how much you want a Christmas card from me! :) And, if I only send out one- IT WILL BE TO YOU!! :)


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