Friday, December 5, 2008

Adding to the Family

This was written on 3/5/2007:

Mike and I have been discussing lately that we both have had the feeling that it was time to bring another child into our family. The only problem was that we were having a hard time deciding on whether to go the adoption route again, or try to go through fertility. We both decided to fast and pray about it yesterday, on fast Sunday.
As I read my scriptures yesterday morning I got the impression that we have a special plan made for our family. That we have been blessed to be able to fulfill the scriptures that state the seed of the laminates will be brought back into the truthfulness of the gospel through the gentiles. Gabe is a decendent of those people, and we have been so very blessed to have brought him into our family, what a beautiful spirit he is. I had the feeling that this was going to be the case for our next child. That we would adopt and that the next baby would be able to also have that heritage with Gabe.
Later in the day Mike and I sat down and discussed how our fasts had gone. He said that he had a very strong feeling that we were to adopt another baby. And he said that he had a strong feeling that the main reason was for Gabe, that this new child is meant to be his brother or sister. We both were so excited that we had our answer and are looking forward to going through the adoption process again. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful understanding of how to receive answers from our Heavenly Father and to have a husband who also lives up to his covenants and who is worthy of his priesthood.


Mesia said...

This is awesome, Becky! I also feel this same way, we experienced with Seneca. Once her adoption is finalized, I will be going directly to her tribe to ask for permission to adopt a child from her heritage. oh, how neat! keep us in the loop!

Lu said...

Becky. . wow! I loved reading this. I am so amazed at how this adoption process has so beautifully blessed your family. Your kids are so very blessed to have you and Mike as their parents.
I'm excited you want another one!! Wow!! My mind cannot even go there.


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