Sunday, December 21, 2008


Malia is doing really well this morning. Unfortunatley, Mr. Jones is not :( He started feeling sick and called me to come releive him at the hospital this morning around 3:30am. He is now home and miserable so please keep him in your prayers. We are crossing our fingers that they let us leave today but we will see. Right now I am down to a one man show so please pray that I stay healthy. My family needs me to take care of them right now. I have already taken it in to my own hand to obsessivley compulsivly clean the hospital room. We will most likley be staying away from our house until Mike is better since this is so contageous. Forgive the typos, I am writing this from my iPhone.


Gretchen J said...

I am so sorry to hear about Malia and Mr. Jones. Whoa! I hope she is on the mend. You will for sure be in our prayers. If there is anything you need like a meal or a place for Gabe to play please let me know.
Love you babe!!

Alison said...

i just read this! oh my goodness! i am so sorry!!! this is just horrible!! malia is in my thoughts and NOW your husband is also in my thoughts...


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