Monday, December 22, 2008

Malia's blessing

Mr. Jones and I finally got some time this evening to sit down and type out Maila's baby blessing. Following are the words spoken by Mr. Jone's (AKA Daddy) during her blessing. We truly feel so grateful to have this sweet girl in our eternal family and in our hearts:

Heavenly Father, we a few of thy servants holding the Melchezidek Priesthood bring this child before thee to give her a name and a blessing. The name by which she shall be known here on earth and upon the records of the church is Malia Jones.

Malia, at this time we bless you to know how much you are loved by your parents, and that as you grow you will appreciate the circumstances that brought you into this family. Before you came to us, your mother and I fasted and prayed to learn that you are a special child who belongs with us and with your brother. You have been blessed with gifts that will bring joy to our family, a joy that could not come otherwise.

Malia, you have been blessed thus far with health and strength, and we bless you that you will continue to be healthy and strong.

We bless you with an aptitude for obedience and encourage you to heed the words of your mother and father. We bless you that as you do so you will be blessed with the spirit. As you feel the spirit you will gain a desire to learn of your Savior and gain a testimony of Jesus Christ. We bless you to know of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ’s love for you. We bless you that you will take advantage of the atonement throughout your life.

We bless you that you will be a light to others with whom you come in contact with, and that as they get to know you they will want to have the same spirit that they see in you.

As Gabriel has been blessed with a special appreciation for the Book of Mormon, we bless you also that the Book of Mormon will be important to you and that you will cling to its teachings. We bless you also with a love for the Bible and all of the scriptures.

We bless you with all these things and any other blessing our Heavenly Father sees fit to bestow upon you and do so in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



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