Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gabe's prayer update...

Gabe has said his own prayer the last 2 nights in a row. Now, mind you, this is according to his Daddy, Mr. Jones. I am not allowed in the room during this special time because Gabe gets stage fright if I am around :( Here is the report that I was given as Mr. Jones closed the door to Gabe's room tonight:
Gabe's prayer: "Heavenly Father, thankful that Gracie came over to play today, thankful for my yummy dinner, bless uncle Nick on his mission, name of Jesus Christ, Amen." MAN I wish I were a fly on the wall during all this. I have YET to hear him say his prayers.

He also wont stop talking about how he got to see baby Jesus the other night. Don't know what I am talking about? Read a few blogs down.....

AND ON THE MALIA FRONT: 1. She is clapping and waving 2. She is saying DaDa (and MaMa when she is upset) 3. She CAN walk, but refuses to let go of whatever she is holding on it. We SAW her pushing the chair around, get stuck on a bump in the floor, and pull back and LIFT the chair over the bump. This is one strong headed girl! She will do it when she is ready I guess!


theleguis said...

hey how is nick on his mission? fede's cousin got called to the same mission but they got sent back to the MTC b/c there was trouble in bolivia? whats going on?


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